Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Via Ferrata - Rock Climbing for Everyone

Via Ferrata, ( iron ladder in italian) is a mountain route which is equipped with fixed cables, steps, ladders and bridges. These via ferrata's were first used in Italy during WW1 to assist the movement of mountain infantry. Walkers and novice climbers can follow via ferrata's to isolated mountain routes with very little climbing experience and the danger associated with unassisted climbing is diminished. Alpine Walking Holidays for via ferrata are very popular during Summer season in European countries like Italy, Germany, France & Switzerland.

I have personally experienced the first Asian via ferrata in Malaysia. It is an incredible thrill to be able to climb the vertical rockface of a mountain as the spectacular views are unmatched by any regular mountain trail. The fear of hanging on the cliff edge at 10,000 feet above the clouds is quickly tempered by the secure feeling of the iron cable fixtures and steps. You rapidly come to grips with walking the iron steps and you find yourself moving across the vertical rockface like any other mountain trail. This is as close as your going to get to climbing El Capitan. If your interested in via ferrata, send an email to: adventure@intrepid.ph

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