Monday, September 14, 2009

Mt. Kinabalu Climbathon

The 23rd edition of the Mt. Kinabalu Climbathon will be held on Oct. 24-25, 2009 in Sabah, Malaysia. The climbing marathon will be held in SE Asia's highest mountain at 14,000 feet and Malaysia's first world heritage site. Arguably the world's toughest mountain race, this event is held in conjuction with Sabah Parks and the International Skyrunning Federation and is part of the 7 race skyrunning world series.

I climbed this mountain and I thought I was fairly fit and it still took me 9 hours to climb the 8.7 kilometer trail to the summit and another 4 hours just to get down to the starting point. What slows you down is how you deal with physical & mental fatigue and altitude sickness. The hardest part is the descent because you have to deal with tired legs and mental fatigue and it is very easy to slip on the rocks and injure yourself. The winner of the race last year clocked in at 2hrs and 45 minutes. What else can you say? Leave it to the professionals :)

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